2025 International Leadership Summit
The 2025 International Leadership Summit will return to Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center, April 10 – 12, 2025.
Founded by T.D. Jakes—real estate mogul, New York Times bestselling author, pioneering CEO and entrepreneur, global humanitarian, devoted philanthropist, senior pastor of The Potter's House—the International Leadership Summit is an annual transformative conference. Since 2011, the conference has cultivated aspiring and tenured entrepreneurs and leaders with the tools to become successful in for-profit and not-for-profit industries.
About T.D. Jakes Group
The T.D. Jakes Group is a global conglomerate that’s worked for more than four decades at the intersection of mission, ministry and marketplace to solve society’s problems through strategic alliances creating equity and providing solutions for underrepresented and underserved communities.
The organization’s four pillars operate globally: T.D. Jakes Enterprises is a civil rights award-winning social impact holding company reaching millions through entrepreneurial training, minority business accelerator initiatives and trailblazing representation in streaming unscripted series, film, music and publishing that has grossed over $500 million worldwide through original entertainment content; T.D. Jakes Foundation is building bridges by unlocking the power of global competition through workforce training that prepares workers to compete in today’s economy through STEM/STEAM education, financial literacy and inclusion, and a laser focus to close the racial wealth gap and support minority women in corporate leadership; T.D. Jakes Real Estate Ventures is actively developing sustainable oasis-like communities with a focus on economic development, eradicating food deserts and opening doors for home ownership and wealth building where none existed before; T.D. Jakes Ministries is a faith-based international organization who’s inspiring content is translated to over 90 languages each week, and whose returning citizen advocacy work has helped over 30,000 individuals create lasting, generational change.
On-site Media Contacts
Christine Cape, 404.545.0085
Laura McGowan, 847.347.5206
Background Materials
Bio: Bishop T.D. Jakes
News Releases
T.D. Jakes’ International Leadership Summit to Focus on Cross-Generational Collaboration—March 14, 2025
Bishop T.D. Jakes